Tuesday 17 March 2020

What's all this COVID-19 problem about?

Let's get the most of our home confinement and learn something about this COVID-19.

You can be researchers, journalists, scientists, police officers... or any other person you prefer. Just do some research, get the information you need and create a document showing what you learnt.

We suggest a news report, a youtube tutorial, an interview TV program... if you choose a digital format.

If you prefer a paper format, you can create a cardboard and then take a picture to share to this blog.

You could add your voice explanation to a video... there are hundreds of options. Just choose the one you prefer, individually, in pairs or in groups, but remember to work online, DON'T GET TOGETHER since we are in home confinement!!!
Distribute the different tasks into each member, you prepare your part at home and then someone is responsible of mixing up all the documents and then someone else posts it as an answer to this blog entry.

Possible information to include:

Virus: What are they? Shape? Types? What's a Coronavirus? Who's affected? Ages? Countries? How many types or coronavirus are there?

Vaccines: What are they? How do they work? How are they produced? Why isn't there a vaccine for COVID-19?

What's all this COVID-19 problem about?

Let's get the most of our home confinement and learn something about this COVID-19. You can be researchers, journalists, scientists,...